Netflix viewer for mac
Netflix viewer for mac

Now click the Delete Profile button and confirm twice.

netflix viewer for mac

Just log into your Netflix account, choose Manage Profiles, and click the pencil icon on your profile. You’ll want to start anew, and wasting hours on clicking a bunch of ‘Ø’ symbols is no way to do it. Say you want to change that, and filter quality through your streaming experience, instead of mind-numbing quantity. Say you are someone who starts watching a bunch of shows but never finishes any. Now, why would you want to delete your Netflix profile? Well, because deleting your entire viewing history at once is impossible on Netflix. If you want to remove the entire show, click the new prompt.

#Netflix viewer for mac series#

To remove the entire TV series from your Netflix viewing history, just click on the ‘Ø’ symbol as explained above, and a new prompt – ‘ Remove series?’ – will appear. When it comes to TV shows, which is the majority of Netflix content, every episode will be listed individually. In order to filter through the things that you’ve liked and the things that aren’t to your taste, just click the ‘Ø’ symbol next to a title in your Viewing Activity to also delete it from your Continue Watching/ Recently Watched rows. Additionally, the shows that you haven’t removed will keep popping up in your Continue Watching slider. Why would you bother deleting your Netflix viewing history? Well, primarily, because you don’t want your recommendations to be influenced by the shows you’ve given up on after a few episodes. Netflix pretty much works on a basic principle of recommending you new stuff to watch, based on what you’ve watched earlier.

netflix viewer for mac

There’s also a ‘ Report a problem’ button, as well as the ‘so-called ‘no symbol’ (Ø) for list item removal. This list shows you the titles of the shows/movies that you’ve watched, as well as the dates you’ve watched them on. Now, select Viewing Activity, and there you have it.

netflix viewer for mac

Once you’ve selected the Your Account option from the drop-down menu, continue scrolling until you’ve reached the bottom of the Your Account page. All you need to do is go to, log in to your account, and enter your account page by hovering the cursor over your profile name. See, like everything else, Netflix has made this very simple.

Netflix viewer for mac